Wednesday, May 5, 2010

making the world a smaller place, one bride at a time....

Well hello there, bridal blogging world. It's been a while. I promise to be better and you can expect more from me than once-a-month entries.

Our cozy boutique has been open for quite a few months now and it has become very apparent that one of the most important things for our brides is that they have the most important people in their life with them while shopping for a wedding dress. It makes complete sense - most important day ever, most important piece of clothing ever, most important people ever.

To make it super simple for you to share the excitement of shopping for your wedding dress with your closest family members and best friends, we have introduced a live video web conferencing system. So your college roommate now lives in Denver, your cousin is in New York and your mom can't make it down from North Carolina? At Vocelles, we connect you and your loved ones in real time -- no matter where in the world (literally) they might be. How fabulous is that?

So now you can stop worrying about coordinating travel schedules, booking pricey airline tickets and reserving hotel rooms. We've got you covered :)

Happy Cinco de Mayo!
